About Us

Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth. Colossians 3:2

In a world filled with distractions and interruptions, it can be challenging to focus on things of God.

We need to constantly guard the gates to our heart - especially our eyes! Everyday we decide what we allow to enter our gates. Everyday we choose what to set our eyes on, what to listen to. And it is not easy - just turn on the TV and you will be bombarded with things of the world. Open a magazine and you will be enticed with products that promote the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, as well as things that will take your mind off the Lord.

We created this trove to be a safe place as well as a delightful space for Christians to shop. Our product designs are carefully and prayerfully thought-out to bring glory to God, to encourage and lift up the Christian, to bring joy, to inspire children and even to challenge the believer.

It is our hope and prayer that each of our products become a conversation starter for others to know Christ. The T-shirt with "saved by grace" print can lead to deep conversations about the grace of God, pointing others to Christ.

Welcome to the The Christian Trove!

